Your nation has 100,000 coins.
You owe another nation 200,000 coins, and they want it back. Like before breakfast last Thursday.
So you have to mint more coins in order to pay off some of the debt AND keep coins in circulation. More coins, however, means that they aren't as valuable. Printing another 100,000 coins makes 1 coin worth only half as much as before the coin supply doubled.
Now your currency is devalued, BUT you get to start paying off your debt. But the goods your citizens must buy in order to live haven't changed in price, and your government is not about to drop the prices, because they already gave breaks to the companies selling those goods, and damnit, Government needs it's money to buy more ninja stars and smoke-screen bombs.
Costs seem to go up, but it's mostly because the coin you pay with is worth only half as much because of the doubled supply and the lack of interest in coins with pictures of citizens and stars from syndicated sit-coms on them. Costs aren't up, the coin is down in worth. And holy crapsadillas, that debt! THAT FRIGGIN' DEBT!
So 100,000 coins go to the debt, but they're worth only 50,000 of the original debt, so another 50,000 is owed, and more coins get printed, and we all know what happens when a market is saturated with people who think they're funny... I mean, saturated with coins. The value of comedy, excuse me, golly-polly! The value of CURRENCY drops. The currency isn't worth much, the goods they use to buy aren't being purchased, jobs are lost in the manufacturing sector, and then people get checks from the government. Checks they can exchange for the worthless coins they weren't being paid.
Before the society begins to crumble, there are a few things that can happen to save it:
1 - the debt is forgiven by the creditors, thereby freeing the debtee to generate goods that can be sold and build up their reserves, or feed their hungry, or buy some ninja stars
2 - the nation is weakend to a point that a wealthy benefactor can despotically take the reigns through force or through politics, depending on the community's fear factor when it comes to being hit face-wise with a ninja star, or being told that other nations want to throw ninja stars at its face and its up to the nation to choose a ninja star-shielding superexpert to protect, all while the ninja star-shielder continuously throws ninja stars at other nations faces
3 - Jose Canseco injects steroids into the nation to make it's currency stronger, yet more volatile in a bar fight
4 - the nation quits manufacturing anything of worth and starts getting booked out as a feature comic without knowing what the hell it's doing, and taking any gig it can get for any amount, thereby killing the market price for good comics
5 - the nation spends a weekend at Neverland Ranch, drinks some Jesus Juice, gets its Gross National Product checked out, sells a script deal to USA
6 - the nation allows a tsunami to hit it, thereby taking care of its population control AND financial rebuilding efforts all at the same time
And that's how James Brown beats women and still gets applause on the Grammy Awards Show.
Last year I went to a Halloween Party for Cats. It was thrown by a cat, in an apartment paid for by a couple of cats, who apparently are doing quite well for not being able to speak English or drive or open a nail salon.
At this Halloween Party for cats, I was surprised at how many of them were dressed like unattractive secretaries.
Once I decided to stop dating girls, I met a woman. I highly recommend that.
I can't believe a guy from Klamath Falls was almost able to organize a Mass Suicide over the internet. Just invite them to Klamath Falls and let 'em work it out on their own.
Point B, was anybody going to miss this guy, besides whomever he borrowed the Lord Of the Rings box-set from?
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