I'm back in the saddle for the Seattle International Comedy Competition, or SICC, the month-long comedy contest that is judged by nearly nobody who knows anything about comedy whatsoever. In other words, judged by your average comedy-goer.
Comedy is whatever's funny. Funny is subjective. Judging is fun! I'll fill in details later, but here's how it's going so far...
1st Night, 10-31-07: I had a great set but F'ed up my closing bit, took 6th place.
Turns out, the scoring for that night kind of f'ed a lot of people. Here's why.
One of the judges scored everyone pretty low until the 5. 4 of those 5 got perfect scores, which is reeeeeeeeeally rare. Those 4 also placed in the top 5 for the night, places 1-4. So their scores were already pretty good, but that one judge's "oh well" attitude screwed the other 12 comedian's scores. Those comics had good sets, very funny stuff, but not THAT MUCH better than everyone else. Just my o-pining, of course.
But that's how it goes in these things. You never know who will be judging or how they'll score it or what they'll think is appropriate for the crowd. A room full of 400 people could love you. 3 of 4 judges could love you. 1 person could tank you. And your score drops, and you're out of the running. That's what the comics put ourselves through for this competition.
But at the end of the week, it's about consistently-good performances, being likeable and accessible, and above all, being Funny.
2nd Night, 11-01-07: I took 4th place. Haven't had a really tight set yet, that 5min35sec amazer that causes the other comics to either decide they're going to up their game or watch me run away. But I had a decent set. Not fantastic. Good. I'd say it was an 89 of 100. I scored the previous night's set about a 91, and had I hit my closer, that would have been 100. But there's another set tonight.
3rd Night, 11-02-07: I go FIRST tonight, a spot that most comics DREAD. I would, too, if I weren't funny. If I stunk. If I hadn't opened the show at the Paramount a year ago and killed. So tonight is a perfect setting. Step up and deliver, Lott.
I'll post more later. Details. Gory and weird. Conversations. For real, yo.
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The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking
Friday, November 02, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
An Anthem For The Nations
Watching the NFL game from London yesterday... the game was, I wasn't watching it from London... they sang the anthems-national of both America and England.
The English National Anthem, or whatever they call it in their language, is "God Save The Queen." This is a great reason to have seceded from all things British, in that they are demanding that God step in to save the Queen above all other people. And the tune it is sung to is the same tune AMERICANS use for "My Country 'tis Of Thee."
My country, ’tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims’ pride,
From every mountainside,
Let freedom ring!
But our national anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner," is about our flag and what it stands for, namely the triumph over an oppressive nation, England. And all others that oppress America, like America, f'r'instance. What a sneaky little thing we did there, singing our big F-You about our ramparts in the white, soggy belly of the beast.
Good thing we beat those British, too.
Otherwise, heck, we'd all be speaking English.
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The English National Anthem, or whatever they call it in their language, is "God Save The Queen." This is a great reason to have seceded from all things British, in that they are demanding that God step in to save the Queen above all other people. And the tune it is sung to is the same tune AMERICANS use for "My Country 'tis Of Thee."
My country, ’tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims’ pride,
From every mountainside,
Let freedom ring!
But our national anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner," is about our flag and what it stands for, namely the triumph over an oppressive nation, England. And all others that oppress America, like America, f'r'instance. What a sneaky little thing we did there, singing our big F-You about our ramparts in the white, soggy belly of the beast.
Good thing we beat those British, too.
Otherwise, heck, we'd all be speaking English.
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Sunday, October 28, 2007
Hey gang...
like I wrote previously, Google's got their heads in their stockprice-rich asses so far they have completely renarded their technology...
therefore, since they can't figure it out over there to get my accounts matched up so I can advertise FOR THEM on this page, I'm going to another blog tool soon.
I'll leave a note here when the other's ready to go.
In the meantime, go take a Tylenol PM and have a glass of pinot noir and enjoy the ride down the slide of relaxation.
By the way earlier tonight I took a cocktail of 2 Lipitor, 1 Xanax, and 1/2 of a Cialis, or as it's called on the streets, "The Hefner." I feel like I'm in the Lost & Found at Victoria's Secret modeling school.
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like I wrote previously, Google's got their heads in their stockprice-rich asses so far they have completely renarded their technology...
therefore, since they can't figure it out over there to get my accounts matched up so I can advertise FOR THEM on this page, I'm going to another blog tool soon.
I'll leave a note here when the other's ready to go.
In the meantime, go take a Tylenol PM and have a glass of pinot noir and enjoy the ride down the slide of relaxation.
By the way earlier tonight I took a cocktail of 2 Lipitor, 1 Xanax, and 1/2 of a Cialis, or as it's called on the streets, "The Hefner." I feel like I'm in the Lost & Found at Victoria's Secret modeling school.
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Communication Degree, part 1
TV was on, so I came in and MUTED it for a second.
It had been on most of the day, as I went room to room with laundry or what-not, and the NFL provided a nice soundtrack. I was busy all day. All day.
All F'ing day.
Wife, in the kitchen, had returned from a quick trip East for wine re-con, returned with 3 botts I can't wait to go belly-first into. DE-LISH.
So I MUTE the teev, and say "aaah, quiet, that's nice."
"What? What do you mean?"
"I mean the quiet, it's nice, it's a nice break to have a little quiet."
"So, what, I'm making all the noise?"
"No, it's just nice to have the quiet. Which now we don't have, ironically."
"I wasn't making all the noise, I was watching a TV show."
"I know (head spinning at the ridiculousness of this)... "
Long story short, I love PERSPECTIVE. It is the litmus, the acid-test of a moment. Feel good and recognize it? Because you've felt bad before, that's why, so enjoy it.
Sun warming your back? Because you've been cooled by the shadows, is why.
Brain and body feel calmer with the peace and quiet? Because the constant noise of the TV and the commercials was vibrating in you at an unpleasant frequency, that's why.
And I couldn't even have that. I wasn't allowed to. I had to explain myself.
I had to explain why I liked the quiet. I had to talk, outloud, about my feelings about the QUIET.
I had to zombie-stomp what I needed in order to explain why I needed it, justifying my need for it while it resounded in the ears of the person who couldn't underF'ingstand why I would need it, and why, for the love of Manilow... I WOULD DARE EXPRESS MY FEELINGS ABOUT IT.
Next time I need to say something, I'm gonna do the right thing, and keep my mouth shut.
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It had been on most of the day, as I went room to room with laundry or what-not, and the NFL provided a nice soundtrack. I was busy all day. All day.
All F'ing day.
Wife, in the kitchen, had returned from a quick trip East for wine re-con, returned with 3 botts I can't wait to go belly-first into. DE-LISH.
So I MUTE the teev, and say "aaah, quiet, that's nice."
"What? What do you mean?"
"I mean the quiet, it's nice, it's a nice break to have a little quiet."
"So, what, I'm making all the noise?"
"No, it's just nice to have the quiet. Which now we don't have, ironically."
"I wasn't making all the noise, I was watching a TV show."
"I know (head spinning at the ridiculousness of this)... "
Long story short, I love PERSPECTIVE. It is the litmus, the acid-test of a moment. Feel good and recognize it? Because you've felt bad before, that's why, so enjoy it.
Sun warming your back? Because you've been cooled by the shadows, is why.
Brain and body feel calmer with the peace and quiet? Because the constant noise of the TV and the commercials was vibrating in you at an unpleasant frequency, that's why.
And I couldn't even have that. I wasn't allowed to. I had to explain myself.
I had to explain why I liked the quiet. I had to talk, outloud, about my feelings about the QUIET.
I had to zombie-stomp what I needed in order to explain why I needed it, justifying my need for it while it resounded in the ears of the person who couldn't underF'ingstand why I would need it, and why, for the love of Manilow... I WOULD DARE EXPRESS MY FEELINGS ABOUT IT.
Next time I need to say something, I'm gonna do the right thing, and keep my mouth shut.
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