TV was on, so I came in and MUTED it for a second.
It had been on most of the day, as I went room to room with laundry or what-not, and the NFL provided a nice soundtrack. I was busy all day. All day.
All F'ing day.
Wife, in the kitchen, had returned from a quick trip East for wine re-con, returned with 3 botts I can't wait to go belly-first into. DE-LISH.
So I MUTE the teev, and say "aaah, quiet, that's nice."
"What? What do you mean?"
"I mean the quiet, it's nice, it's a nice break to have a little quiet."
"So, what, I'm making all the noise?"
"No, it's just nice to have the quiet. Which now we don't have, ironically."
"I wasn't making all the noise, I was watching a TV show."
"I know (head spinning at the ridiculousness of this)... "
Long story short, I love PERSPECTIVE. It is the litmus, the acid-test of a moment. Feel good and recognize it? Because you've felt bad before, that's why, so enjoy it.
Sun warming your back? Because you've been cooled by the shadows, is why.
Brain and body feel calmer with the peace and quiet? Because the constant noise of the TV and the commercials was vibrating in you at an unpleasant frequency, that's why.
And I couldn't even have that. I wasn't allowed to. I had to explain myself.
I had to explain why I liked the quiet. I had to talk, outloud, about my feelings about the QUIET.
I had to zombie-stomp what I needed in order to explain why I needed it, justifying my need for it while it resounded in the ears of the person who couldn't underF'ingstand why I would need it, and why, for the love of Manilow... I WOULD DARE EXPRESS MY FEELINGS ABOUT IT.
Next time I need to say something, I'm gonna do the right thing, and keep my mouth shut.
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