The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bill Nye Passes Out, USC Students Tweet For Help

Further proof that the "iGeneration" or "Millenials" or "DipTwats" are tech'ing their way into deserving a ban of their cell phones...

"If the Science Guy passes out and nobody Tweets, Did It Happen?" (article)

(quote from said article)
"Alastair Fairbanks, a USC senior in attendance for Nye's presentation, told the Los Angeles Times that "nobody went to his aid at the very beginning when he first collapsed — that just perplexed me beyond reason." The student added, "Instead, I saw students texting and updating their Twitter statuses. It was just all a very bizarre evening.""

I think there's a misspelling there. "Bizarre" is actually spelled "a room full of inconsiderate c*nts who should be a-f*cking-shamed of themselves."

Perhaps it's because it was at the University of Spoiled Children, or they thought it was a gag, or because it was Los Angeles which really doesn't need any more reasons to be cleaved from the continent and slid ocean-ward... but I hope the President of the Student Body writes Bill Nye a letter of apology for being absolute shits.

How many asked for their parent's ticket money back?

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