The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Just Us And The Peace

Completely maxed.
Work is very busy.
Alicia is planning her tail off.
I have a short week of work, making work busier by 2 days.
I have a great gig in Las Vegas awaiting me, making me feel bittersweet about leaving Alicia. Then again, after two nights with pug puppy feet in my neck, frankly I could use a break.

So this is "getting married."
Yeah, right now? Not smelling the magic.
Alicia, however, is kicking major planning ass. Majorly. If it weren't for her, I'd probably be in a crappy apartment in Kenmore right now, wondering when somebody was gonna come hand me a shot at happiness.
Thanks to her, I realize you have to go take it. And if you take it while saying "I'm getting married," somebody will charge you at least $500 for Happiness.

Wedding Industry. They have trade shows. Like boat makers. Like gun makers.
Think about it.

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