The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Thursday, July 13, 2006

A Bit Nippy

I'm training for a triathlon, okay? A sprint-tri, wherein I will swim 1/4-mile, bike 12 miles, and run 3 miles. In a row. Without dying. Or worse, public pants-loading.

The other night I did a Double, wherein I did a training session in one event, then went to the next. That night it was a 6.5-mile bike ride, then a 3.5 mile run. I wore a Nike Dri-Fit shirt, one of those wickers of moisture, and I was sweating like Star Jones walking up a flight of stair.

Long story short, I will be looking for some other shirt to wear during my race, or at least an undershirt with my Dri-Fit. Hopefully THAT will keep my nipples from bleeding again.

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A Niche In The Wall

I am not now, nor have I ever been, a fan of the Pink Floyd band. I think I "get" them, but I don't get them. I get their lyrics, but their music goes to a certain level of masturbatory unseen before or since they arrived. One of the founding members of the band just died, too. I think it was Syd Viscuous.

I think I could name about 3 of their songs, including "the Education chanting song," "the money sound song," and "echoing Hello song." I once dated a girl who had a very annoying habit of sleeping with other people. Less annoying, but still annoying, was that she loved Pink Floyd, only slightly less than she loved another of my less-liked bands, The Grateful Dead.

I'm not here to bash either of these bands or that rotten whore. The bands put out music that was the soundtrack to many a good time to many a good person over the decades. For that they should be applauded. But as for my opinion, I wouldn't walk across the street for a free show of theirs, and not just because the parking lot of the Morningwood Highlands would make for a sparse venue. First off, parking would suck.

That annoying habit I spoke of earlier, the one where I dated a rotten whore, she did this thing that a lot of people do when at topic comes around to something they LOOOOOOOVE. Usually it's a niche item, like, say... Vegemite.

Vegemite, a pasty concoction that is a marvelous source of gross and vitamin B, is a product of leftover beer-brewing yeast. It's wildly popular in countries that have words like "flavour" and "footie match." I've tried it. Didn't throw up. Don't care to try it again. Done.

But should my dislike of Vegemite bubble over in the presence of somebody who is unnaturally fond of Vegemite, an annoying habit comes forth in the following manner:

"Whaddayoo mean you don't like Vegemite? Have you ever tried it? It's like the BEST. It's soo good for a hangover, not to mention when you drank too much the night before!" and it goes on until I throw up, or until ad nauseum.

So YES, I tried it, that's how I know I don't like it. I have a long list of things I have tried. Not all of them roll on to hallowed ground. Some of them have to lose. And my not buying Vegemite, yet giving it shit-tons of free advertising here, isn't going to matter one devalued American dollar to the Vegemite fortune. So sit there and be gross and quiet about it.

My point is that not everyone has to get along, nor like the same things, nor agree on what to do with Carson Daly's dead body, nor Ryan Seacrest's soul. That's OKAY. That is FINE. Those things that are DIFFERENT are what make THE world gO arOUnd. That's aNnOyInG, huh? Let people be who they are, like what they like, dislike what they dislike, and if they happen to dislike things you like, you can simply ignore them.

Or sleep around on them like a rotten whore. All in all, it's just another brick in the wall.

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