The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Coming To, And Staying In, America

The main problem with President Bush's Immigration "Reform" bill, besides the fact it had a LOT of margin-doodles, is that it okays immigrants who are already here illegally.

Not just Mexicans. Canadians. Irish. Brits. Germans. Chileans. Cubans. Yes, Virginia, even some Afghanis, Iraqis, Iranians, Chinese, Japanese, and perhaps even an Aussie. Some are good citizens, working and shopping at ROSS and not smiling and, most importantly, keeping their music down. Some may be criminals escaped from their home nations. We don't know. We may never.

Any bill that says "You fooled us! You win! But the rest of you, well, you get in line there, you cheeky buggers!" is just far too jaunty to hold agua. One bill. One law. For everyone. It can't be gray, it's gotta be Red & Blue. (I'd say "black and white" but God knows somebody would take that wrong and call Jesse Jackson and then I'd have to straighten him out again this week)

If somebody breaks into your house and just kind of hangs out in the attic, but then comes down and starts bathing, even if you're not there, or eating food from your coffee table that you passed out before eating thanks to your pill habit, hey, THEY STILL BROKE IN. The limits of compassion stop when it is taken more than it is given.

I fully understand that many thousands of the people illegally, and legally, immigrating doing a lot that we just could not bring ourselves to do. Like working fast food. Or getting really bad dye jobs (fright-blonde and meat-red are big). But someone has to do it, there's a need to fill those jobs, and it's likely that working in America beats not working in a country that cares. Kids gotta eat. Mother-in-law needs to have those moles cut off her cheek. Dollaz get paid.

America doesn't owe anybody anything. Not a free hand, not a free job, not a pass to the Disney Store. We are a nation that has an identity as a melting pot, but somebody still has to monitor the contents of the pot to make sure it's cooking evenly. A lot of people in this country illegally (some of them lazy F'ers masquerading as "stand up comics") are taxing our public resources. I bet a large number of uninsured, non-English-speaking immigrants have received better care in the past year than soldiers sent to Walter Reed, or even many insured, tax-paying dog groomers. We owe the world common courtesy, but we don't have to keep the doors wide-the-F-open to prove it.

I am all for diversity, brotherhood, and the common cause of humanity progressing on the basis of a need to progress. It will eventually come back to governing ourselves, filling in our own pot-holes, and taking care of our neighbors because the government is too busy trying to figure out how to double-tax tapwater used for car fuel. When that day comes, it would be really great if I could understand the language of the guys siphoning off my garden-hose as I spray them with buckshot and fright-pee at 3 in the a.m.

FRIGHT-PEE is probably the funniest thing you'll read all week.

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My Blog About My Dad

Monday, May 21, 2007

Big News To Share

A big Congratulations and well-wishings out to my friends Jessica and Chris "Black Tony" Butler, the proud new parents of a healthy baby boy, Freeman Butler.

I chose not to include Freeman's middle name for a specific reason:
Can't remember it.

A small phone-received picture of the newest addition to the Butler legacy shows everyone to be doing well. Mom's looking glam, dad's still a stud, baby looks like he's ready to chill for a while, yo. Just chill out, maybe get something to eat, be cute, what-not.

My friend and brother Michael "Mike/MurphDawg/The Rear Admiral" Murphy is heading out for a tour of duty in the Middle East today. Mike re-enlisted as a pilot in the Navy in May of 2001 back when Pres. Bush was unable to make decisions that didn't affect people's lives, when we still had to pay a late fee if we returned a movie an hour past due.

Due to a long-standing agreement between the Navy and Army, Mike was optioned to the Army based on some of his highly-rated skills, namely "Leadership," "Marksmanship," and "Being highly reactive to somebody shooting at him or his buddyship."

Please include Mike and the many people mired in the conflicts in your prayers. If you would like to email Mike, you can do so at the address provided HERE.
He may not get it or a while, though. He'll have plenty of spam to wade through once he's back on-line.

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My Blog About My Dad