The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Saturday, October 11, 2008

"BABY MAMA" is A Crowning Achievement

Last night I got home to find my wife having ordered a movie OnDemand, as it was a relatively slow evening in the later hours. I had gone out to a show to see a buddy of mine here, and met with other Seattle-ite comics, whom I think are more than ready to make funny here in LA. That's for another time.

So, Wife ordered "Baby Mama," starring the foolproof duo of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler (Pee-oh-el-ee-r, I think. No, "Peeler," okay). Synopsis of the movie is that Kate Holbrook (Tina's character) is ready to have a baby, but can't, because she's got a problem with having a baby. I don't want to give too much away here. (She may have been born a dude, they don't really explore that much in the film, but it would have made Tina Fey even hotter). So she enlists Angie Ostrowski (Amy Poehler's character) to carry the baby inside her (Angie's) uterine walls, played by Utris Jackson (former all-conference forward at North Texas A&M, 1993). In some circles this is called "Surrogate Mothering" or "The Rosie O'Donnell Method."

I, frankly, barf OnDemand when I smell a romantic comedy. Or anything "precious" in a movie, where it's obvious they're pulling at your heartstrings instead of being able to close a scene properly. This is not a romantic comedy, if that's what you're looking for. There's a romantic element to it, where Greg Kinnear is totally puttin' it to Kate in the movie (Kinnear is great in everything, btw). But really, the movie steers more towards COMEDY. And I know comedy.

So what did I think?

This movie is awesome. I laughed really heartily, out-loud, gut-busting at a LOT of stuff. Angie Ostrowski is a manic, immature, goofball with no business carrying a flu virus let alone a fetus. Kate Holbrook is a manic, anal retentive, do-gooder with a heart of organic tofu that demands a lot more out of Angie as the host-ut'ris. It's like "The Odd Couple," with spotting! The movie tells the story of these women with hopes and dreams, their polar-opposite personalities and common goals dancing around each other like a Polka in a Mosh Pit. HILARIOUS movie. Seriously. Amy Poehler's great, Steve Martin is again a subtle master, and you just get way more than you deposited. Like getting triplets when all you expected was dinner!

Truly, "Baby Mama" is now OnDemand. On DVD soon, if not already. Totally worth it.
I'm not lying or being snarky, I swear. SEE THIS MOVIE.

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Feels Like I'm Losing It Sometimes

Lately, without a dayjob and getting every other thing in order in life...

such as registering a car in a new state, getting smog-checked, taking a driver's test, handling insurance, handling renter's insurance, calling after jobs, handling investments, etc...

I have to spend a lot of time on the phone. Supposedly that is to make life more convenient. But I have a network or a phone or a connection or a bunch of people on the other end that are seriously malfunctioning. And that lack of ability to communicate with one's mouth and brain in full connection is incredibly widespread, and causing me to understand how our economy could very well be undermined by people who finance their clothing.

When I think of having to call an institution about an account change or anything that will cause me to change anything at all... which means i have to talk to a person!!!!!!!... I cringe. I don't want to hunch up, but I do. It's a gut reaction, as my gut churns while I think of the menu I have to negotiate (these will soon be a thing of the past, BTW, if we really want to stimulate the economy), leading me to a complete stranger. So every call is another communication style to learn and adapt to. And if the person on the other end of the phone is pissed off or underpaid or self-righteous, I'm in for an overly long call. Just read my previous entry on That company can suck it with their eyes open.

I am who I am, a good guy who is doing the best he can to get in and get moving in his career, meet people, and be the kind of guy I would want to hang out with. There's no horn-tooting there, I have had to TRY very hard to make that happen every friggin' time I leave the house. It gets easier and easier each time because I have a clean slate of interaction where ever I go now. Nobody knows me. So I can joke around and chat it up and be as cordial as I want to be. Maybe I'm the only person in that person's day who didn't tell them they should go back to furrier school. I am who I am. And if you hung out with me for a while and had some beer, I think you, too, would like me. If you replenished the beer, that, too, would be nice of you, but no pressure.

LA is bigger than Seattle. It sprawls. It's got more of everybody, every color, every background. So by sheer numbers of people, there are more people doing dumb things and rude things and dipshit things, and those always stand out. Example... Stopping at a red light doesn't make nearly the impact as running a red light and T-boning a car ALSO running that red and making a left in front of the hitter. It's rampant here. I don't even chance that water. And these people aren't ever going anywhere. If it were that important, they'd have left their shit-tents much earlier.

So today, I'll chalk it up to heat and frustration and get it out of my system. Writing and a good hard workout later. I am going to a church service tonight, also, overdue for us. I knew it was bad a few weeks ago when we attended a church service and all I could think was "this pastor can't preach for shit. This guy's awful. I've heard more passion in a Little League dugout." Then his pushy wife went up and had the full-pew press about getting people to attend, you BETTER attend, DON'T THINK ABOUT NOT ATTENDING, YOU SINNERS, for some Halloween thing she wanted to do. And I sat there and judged them like they were dancing their way across the floor for my amusement. So I need something bigger than Me right now to focus on.

Today I walked by 17 people. I counted them, because I wanted to do an experiment on how people react to strangers on the street. Of the 17, 14 were wearing sunglasses. Of those 17, 2 were on bikes. Of the 17, 4 of them and I traded "Hello"s or "good morning"s. All 4 of them were white. The other 13 were all non-white. No eye contact, no recognition. Just a fact, that's how it went for me this morning. But, hey, I'm not shutting off or down. Next time, however, maybe I shouldn't dress as a cop.

On the bright side, it's nearly 80 degrees already, no clouds in the sky. I got calls to make.

Hello, Xanax?

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My Blog About My Dad

Monday, October 06, 2008

Open Letter to the Los Angeles Metro Idiots

I'm smart.
Not just book-smart or college-smart or know-my-way-'round-a-new-Trader-Joe's-smart.

Low-140's IQ smart as of last year.

And I cannot, for the life of my neighbor's parakeet, figure out the LA Bus System. Their website has a tool, probably named Davin and Devid or something dumb for a white guy, that uses an application to reference a route database. It should... SHOULD... show you what bus to take from point A to point B.

Likely designed by a white guy because an East Indian or Asian Citizen would not have left the flaws and bugs in the web-app that this one has. Because they, unlike crackaz, are working OVERTIME to get things right and done. Sportscenter doesn't carry cricket highlights, is most likely why.

I can't tell what goes where. The maps, yeah, for-get!-it. So not only are the buses here a "Who's Who" in Illegals, Lurkers, Pervs, and Gangsta-wanna-be's... NOW I HAVE TO FEEL THAT THESE F*CKS ARE SMARTER THAN I!

That, I will not ride for. I'm buying a bike, a lock, bear spray, and a komodo dragon.
The next sound you hear will be me, bus-farting.
I'll get my space.

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My Blog About My Dad

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Shooting The Shots

Fantastic. I was invited to take on a role in a movie called "The Consultants," a feature film being produced by 21st Street Films. No word yet on release dates. BUT, I was excited to try this out because
A) Trying new things leads to growth of the persona, personality, wessonality, and sometimes, crippling embarrassment. Trying new things also has led to many a disease, explosion, and sometimes a dis-ease where one experiences a cripplingly embarrassing explosion (hello street-vendor sushi!).
B) I'm here to do that Show Business stuff.

It's great to be among highly creative, motivated people. It puts a little extra ZIP in the step, realizing that this flowing river isn't slowing for anybody. Get in your tube, drop in, and enjoy it. I'll make sure everyone who reads this blog on the regular knows when "The Consultants," also starring Geoff Lott as "Tommy," will be released. I am NOT in the trailer, my friend Tony Moser is, however. And he's pretty good.

The real lesson here is about sacrifice. I sacrificed a full day of watching Football, including the 3rd team from Washington State to get their asses handed to them on the grid-iron this weekend. But I got to spend 8 hours around a top-notch independent-style filming movie crew, meet great folks, and build my experiences up.

So when you come home and there's a cleaned-up house, a ready dinner, and tired loved one waiting for you, guess what ya do?
YOU SCOOP THE CAT'S BOX-LEAVINGS WITHOUT QUESTION, AND A HEAPIN' HOT MOUND OF GLEE, that's what you do. Because Acting is Real Reacting to Imaginary Situations. But chores, and cat's doo, are very, very real.

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