The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Friday, February 18, 2005

Good Things Happening

The other day my horoscope told me that my current situation of creativity is one of sifting through monotony to find the gold, the shimmer, the heaviest of elements to mold something out of, and warned me that I'm gonna be bored with it for a while. I believed my horoscope, which I usually do when it's good, or at least isn't telling me
You STILL haven't had that looked at? Hope you have a back-up, 'cause that thing is South of cheese as of lunch.

Some comedy co-horts of mine have had some great opportunities lately, which I'm happy for them to have. I'm not saying through gritted teeth or using finger-quotes around Happy; these guys have put in some great work.
First off the bat is Tony "Yeah, I Farted Again" Moser. Tony recently got booked for a sweet gig in March that I'm not going to say much about, but let's just say that if you dig Chop Suey, you should have Hope that Stan has Doug it, too. Tony got hired by a guy named Stan to work at a noodle house in Stanwood. Nice Work, Tones.

Second up is archcomic and recently unblogged, Blaine Reeder. Blaine has been performing for just under 2 years, and spent the dates of February 10-13 as the Feature Act at the Reno Hilton. Blaine is one of the most dedicated comics I know, writing and staging his material on a consistent basis. He puts up with more Open Mics than anyone I know, and hasn't had a drink since the Reagan administration. Big deal that he was paid with a $9 buffet and hot-stone massage from a Dominican tranny, which is twice what you make on most runs around these parts. Congrats Blaine!

Lastly is Gabriel Rutledge, winner of the 2004 Seattle International Comedy Competition and Road Rally Of Seattle. One of the funniest and coolest people I've ever performed with, Gabriel recently performed in front of more than 17 people at the Moore Theater at the Lovers Of Life Ball And Promise Keepers Weekend. Actually, it was like 1,400 people, which is more than 17, true? Okay, so shut up. I wish the best for Gabriel and his wife and child as Gabriel branches off into acting and improv troupes. KUDOS, Good Sir.

Sooner or later we'll all get a piece of the pie, if we have earned it, and we know someone who owes someone a favor and is trying to pay it forward. These guys all have talent. A lot of people in comedy who make it to TV do NOT. TV appearances are not the litmus of talent. Host an awards show, call the viewers "homos" and divide the races consistently, now THAT is talent!

Don't spend time worrying about how big somebody else's pie slice is. While you're looking over there, someone's like clearing your plate, taking your perfectly untouched slice of the pie. A la MODE, you buttcrease!

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