The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Tuesday, February 15, 2005

And Another Thing

The Strangler is officially the most thematically incestuous publication in the history of print. The only entertainment to be derived from the paper is Celebrity I Saw U, Savage Love (usually), and Police Beat.

Okay, we get it... Seattle and it's unoffical SceneRag are Gay Friendly to the point of ejaculating rainbows.
Okay, the skinnier the lead singer, the more likely the band will knock my mismatched (on-purpose!) socks out of my Chuck Taylor's (on methadone!).
Got it, Republicans want me dead and the Monorail is going to stop the spread of Sudden Infant AdoptedByStraightParents Syndrome.

Part of being hip, cool, with-it, and/or down is that there is no "scene," which is what people who want to seem hip, cool, with-it, and/or down call whichever place they stand around looking bored. You can spot them while they ask the bartender if they have Sumatran Ginger Wine or if the DJ could play the latest EP from the Thomas Fehlman side-project. Unique, great! Pompously peripheral? I SAW U... getting run over and I laughed.

Wallow in your ironically-chosen domestic beers and clove cigarettes, you colon statue of a scene rag, The Stanker.
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GL Rules said...

I remember that. It was a big story for exactly 10 days, then >poof<.
The "hip art rag" is blind to the comedy scene around here, which makes comedy hipper than seeing another androgynous band lose their chance at stardom because the lead singer had to pull a double at Archie McPhee's.
Gabriel Rutledge is no Stranger, he's on top of his game, you Stranger-loving Cockholsters!

GL Rules said...

I think The Sranger actually did the deed, then blamed it on the Weekly when the Weekly didn't invite the Stranger to it's confirmation.
You're right, it's mostly an ad for vibrators, in-home massages, the Fenix Underground, and HIV testing, which all go hand-in-hand-in-pants.

GL Rules said...

I think The Sranger actually did the deed, then blamed it on the Weekly when the Weekly didn't invite the Stranger to it's confirmation.
You're right, it's mostly an ad for vibrators, in-home massages, the Fenix Underground, and STD testing, which all go hand-in-hand-in-pants.