One More Wrung
At some point in the past month I took a step up the comedy performance ladder. I don't know what nor when it was... wait a second, it just hit me, but I'll save it for later... but I am working with a different set of tools on stage. Different for me, everyone's gotta get their own tool box and build their own cabinets. To follow my blog from Monday with something self-milking may seem, at first, egotism at it's most gorgeous. Call it what you will. I truly do not give a Siamese Roca.
Last night at Giggles I did two sets, 15 and 20+ minutes (recorder ran out at 22). First show had 4 Everett'ians in it, right up front, who got pretty loosey-goosey... that was Siegfriedy... shithouse before the show. A few rows back were 5-8 Boeing employees, also well into their cups at that point. I started by telling the drunks to Shut the F Up, saying "I'm not nice like David (Katims, the MC), I used to teach." Kind of ad-libbed, got a huge response. Bank it. I spent the next 15 minutes interacting with crowd, verbally cow-sticking them into their corrals, hoping the headliner would have a more well-behaved crowd. Regardless, I did 3-5 actual jokes and somehow filled 15 minutes so much it had joke cleavage. Bouncy Bouncy.
And I had a ton of fun up there. I wasn't frustrated by the crowd, I didn't care that they were talking, I went back and forth with them and delivered a couple of pretty hot lines that got the crowd howling. Afterwards, nobody told me I was "good." They told me "Dude, you were f*cking hysterical," or "Holy crap dude, I had to leave the room I was laughing so hard." I was happy and humbled by it. One woman stopped me at the bar next door and told me my set "was like watching someone dance on a high-wire, but only (I) know that I have a parachute." I'd say it was trickery, but I kind of knew what I was doing.
I decided to have fun. I think that was my secret, the Geoff's Hard Lemonade I made from happy hour lemons. I discovered that making people laugh is more important than doing ALL of my material. I put my writing ego aside and let whatever talents I have for comedy and humor play out on stage. "In the moment," as it were. I think I'm gettin' it. No ego, no hate, a wink and a smile, and just have fun. There will be nights where it will feel like work, that's okay. I love my job.
I Love Football
I have an obsession with football. I love this time of year. Rain and gray weather and sun breaks and football on TV for 12 hours a day for 2 days. I found myself last night watching Boston College vs. UConn. A good basketball game, but a crappy football matchup. And I didn't care, it was FOOTBALL. If Bethune-Cookman College for the Blind lined up against my neighbor I'd probably take the Blind to cover. I love football. Come here football. Let me love you. Down. Set. Red 3, Red 3. Love.
"What Would Lance Armstrong Do?"
Take Me Home
My Non-Funny Blog.
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