The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Monday, September 13, 2004

And Now, Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Crapton of Crap

What a weekend. I spent Fri-Sunday volunteering for SkiForAll, a non-profit that plans and executes outdoor excursions and operations for disabled people of all ages. That sounded pretty Rambo, let's reign that in.

I volunteered for my own reasons, none to be paraded around for any kind of accolade. Mostly I did it because Life plays by absolutely NO rules, and who knows when the rules you thought were in place are going to change, sans bow-crossing warning shot? The only thing I think I have is an integrity or moral currency or karma or paranoia that drives me to give when I've been given to. Nobody ever told me to do it, but I can only give when I know what it's like to receive. That, by the way, is a standard for Loving, but that's for another exhaustion-fueled blog. I've been blessed, and when counting said blessings, I had plenty to share.

The highlight of my weekend was not seeing an 18-foot male orca within 30 feet of our boat. Those animals, by the way, are fawking amazing. SeaWorld is not the place to see them. To see them out there was basal, primal, made me think of the first person to ever see one. That expedition prob'ly went through pants like Elvis through peanut butter. 18 feet of seal-eating, shark-killing, pack-hunting, family-loving killzone. Yet if one freaks out half-way through a flaming-hoop jump and it makes the 6 o'clock headline, we stare in wonder. I'm surprised Keiko wasn't knocking back Body Gloved trainers like Keg mints. (you haven't had a choco-mint from the Keg? Why are you still reading this? GET THEE TO A KEG!) The campers we took out had an amazing time, too. They were all very keyed in on where the pods (human term for "whale posse") were playing, and a mammoth school of salmon kept the pods on the hunt. I ain't seen a mammal close on a fish like that since this one guy ate 19 linear feet of scrod at Ivar's. WHATEVER, it's almost 1 in the morning on a MONDAY, make up your own references, Ahab.

So why volunteer? No pay, some play, and if you don't learn something about yourself and the world then you ain't paying attention. I wanted to give, and I hope that, in some way, I did. Some people will never really fathom love, bliss, fulfillment, enlightenment, or unconditional acceptance in their lives. Maybe they have and they haven't yet realized it. But I realized for a split second yesterday that I was counted on in a moment of need, and to fulfill that need simply because it needed filling was enough reward for me. I do plenty of comedy, which I love to do, for no charge. And I also do quite a bit for a decent chunk of change. Yep, it feels great to do what you love AND get paid for it. I have a fair presence in the Seattle Comedy Circle(s). But after a while I had to see how Life goes on without knowing I was even around.

And it turns out that I missed jack-point-crap in "my world" this weekend. I hope I haven't sounded preachy in this, and if you think I am preaching then you should volunteer and see what it's all about. Pick an organization, there's a LOT out there you can give your time to that requires no political, religious, or financial agenda. If you're wondering what to do, just do SOMETHING, once.

Oh, and the highlight of my weekend was getting schooled in bowling by a kid who is a nationally-ranked Special Olympian in bowling and powerlifting. I asked him how he got so good at bowling. He said "I bowl a lot." "Oh yeah, why?"
"Because it's FUN!"
It's not one of the things he CAN do. It's something he does. And he does it because it is fun.
Yep. It sure was.

And now, off to bed, up early to work out, then in to the office to do something that has no effect on the world whatsoever. Oh... that might be my answer right there.

Thanks for reading. Who's up for coffee?

Take Me Home

My Non-Funny Blog.

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