The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Tuesday, November 11, 2008


When I first started lifting weights at the age of 13, I had no clue what I was doing. I would hoist anything heavy until I couldn't lift it anymore, then rest for about 3 minutes, then try it again. Push-ups and whatever we did in Jr. High PE classes, which I hated, because I was a chubbo.

As I got older, I realized that I really don't NEEEEED to bench 350lbs. It so rarely comes up that a gig requires me to close with the 800lb deadlift. So I searched, researched, and re-researched something that would help me
1) Burn and lose fat
2) Build and keep muscle without sacrificing cardio quality
3) Be portable, so I don't have to be in a gym/meatmarket to keep progressing
4) Constantly challenging

I found TURBULENCE TRAINING. Started up by Craig Ballantyne, this guy puts together seriously challenging workouts you can do with your own bodyweight. No 45minutes of treadmill walking. You're done with the entire workout in about 40min. If you have 40min laying around, 3 times a week, get this. You deserve it. I did these workouts prior to my triathlon in 2006 and it got me in shape like nothing else, even while I "rested" my shinsplints.

Here's a pic of Craig, if you want some proof. I am nowhere near this ripped, but if necessary, I could single-handedly grapple a puma.

It turns out that just about 15 years ago, Craig was heading down
the wrong path...eating and drinking too much and not working out.

But one day just after Christmas in 1994, Craig stumbled upon a
bodyweight workout that changed his life.

I want you to read the rest of Craig's embarrassing story here:

Check it out!

To mark the anniversary of the turning point in his life, Craig is
launching the Turbulence Training Bodyweight Fat Burning Solution,
full of all of his best bodyweight workouts...

PLUS, his NEWEST workout - the TT Hotel Room Workouts that even
include FOLLOW-ALONG workouts for the beginner and intermediate.

It's like having Craig Ballantyne as your personal trainer in the
comfort of your own home!

You'll get instant access to these NEW workouts, but MORE
importantly, he's also going to ship you FREE DVD's of the Hotel
Room Workouts and his most popular bodyweight workouts.

In fact, he's holding a PRE-launch sale for the first 50 copies and
cutting the price by 50 bucks.

This new Turbulence Training Bodyweight Fat Burning Solution package

1) DVD's and hardcopy manual of the 6-Month TT Bodyweight Program

2) A DVD and hardcopy manual of my NEW, Never-Seen-Before TT Hotel
Room Workouts (featuring the first ever "follow-along" beginner and
intermediate TT workouts)

3) A DVD and hardcopy manual of the TT Bodyweight 500

4) A DVD and hardcopy manual of the TT Bodyweight 1000

5) Free shipping on all of the above

6) And a Free 1-Year Platinum Turbulence Training Membership

The value of the entire Turbulence Training Bodyweight Fat Burning
Solution is over $1662.89, but the first 50 copies are available in
this Pre-Launch Sale for only $247.

(NOTE: These copies are going so fast since the website went "live"
yesterday that there are only 21 copies remaining at the PRE-release

Grab yours here: (or up at the "CLICK HERE" link in my links on the upper Right)


(But the low price and free shipping won't be around for long.)

Turn your life around today,

CLICK HERE NOW, You deserve this!

PS - Don't forget, you'll receive...

1) DVD's and hardcopy manual of the 6-Month TT Bodyweight Program

2) A DVD and hardcopy manual of my NEW, Never-Seen-Before TT Hotel
Room Workouts (featuring the first ever "follow-along" beginner and
intermediate TT workouts)

3) A DVD and hardcopy manual of the TT Bodyweight 500

4) A DVD and hardcopy manual of the TT Bodyweight 1000

5) Free shipping on all of the above

6) And a Free 1-Year Platinum Turbulence Training Membership

This package is worth over $1662.89, but it's yours for only $247...

BUT only 21 copies remain at the PRE-release price of $247!

Get started here:


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