The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Some Perspective

I ended the previous blog by saying I would leave work at 2pm.
I'm still here.
For the past year my job has been so mindless and underloaded (that's not, but should be, a crap euphemism) that I am actually fretting that I may be here until as last as 4:15.

I'll be answering a Yes/No question for a "Director" in the form of a 3 page project assessment. Basic question, can you take Apples and Make them Be Oranges?
It will take me until Monday to explain the answer to people making upwards of $90,000 a year. Overkill, sure thing. But if you give your customer more than they expect, they'll quit f*cking asking for stuff.

Seriously though, this does beat looking for a job at the moment. Because I am friggin' TOASTED on Crown Royal right now, you penis!

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