The former CIO of AT&T Wirelisp, Chris Corrado, was recently hired as CTO by eBay. Corrado's main job at Weinerlash was to "lean out" the operations in IT. That is, cut where he could, and he got to determine where the cuts would happen. During his tenure the AWls family lost over $300,000,000 in fines due to an IT project for Local Number Portability (LNP). That's where you get the number everyone totally knows to call you at, and then you want a cuter phone and totally get to take your number to a totally new company. Mass! The project was mismanaged by Deloitte Consulting, a company that was chosen by Corrado, among other Officers. Deloitte, at the time, had in its employ a manager who was once a cronie of Corrado's at Merrill Lynch. Deloitte also had a large sum of money liened against them for previously mismanaged projects, but they were handed the keys anyway. See how they 404'ed their brains here?
Not only were his shortcomings on display for everyone, being a short man who had his new Ferrari delivered to his office just days after announcing 1,800 layoffs (rumor has it that the car was keyed soon after, amen). $300,000,000 paid in FINES to the FCC due to a project having massive seizures and slow-downs. This crippled, beat, then set-aflame what was left of the AWls esprit de crap and in swept Cingular to buy it up. The men responsible for the loss of thousands of jobs in the Puget Sound area alone were handsomely compensated for their titles, in the A-list Actor range, millions if not tens of millions. For ruining a company.
A fair estimate is that 40% of the people who used to work for Careless have found new employ through contracting... at Cingular. Yeah, Cingular's paying a crapton more to Contracting Firms to have the same people doing the same jobs. Why? Well, for one reason, it cuts Cingular's responsibilities to pay for their insurance. No health, dental, or vision. Whatever that saves the company, it is worth this knowledge to me:
I want more than anything to work for myself, in my own business, running my own show.
Corporate America is a pimp, and they'll keep from lettin' fly the back of a 4-ringed hand as long as the whores keep quiet and keep hittin' the corners. I've had three great managers, and the rest (5, after this last re-org) have all been either so-so, or just absolute crap, as people and thus as managers. Everytime I see a dye-job's roots paired with colored contacts I want to throw a sleeper-hold on a spray-tanned ho-tard. At the very least, I know what NOT to do in a myriad of situations, and having the bad side become so apparent is a perfect perspective. I'm basically playing golf here: Stay quiet, keep my head down, and follow through.
There's a general malaise that's lifting from me, I'm pretty sure it's the weight of the number I've been tagged with when I unintentionally was sucked under by the Rat Race. I'm ready to do something else. Maybe I'll book comics. That seems easy, except for the part where I'd have to deal with comics, some of whom are total whores. Oh great, now Tony Moser's gonna think I'm talking about him.
I am.
I wonder how much comics would cost on eBay?
There's a question to ponder. If one comic could do the same job/material as another comic, but for less money, who should be hired? Sooner or later, we'll see Cover Comics making a Ferrari-load of cash off it. Get ready for it. Impersonators have already started it. But NOTHING, can fake the fact that I love the Black Angus wrap on flatbread at Quizno's.
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