The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Sunday, January 25, 2004

Geoffrey Lott - The MicroTouch Trimmer Of Your Unsightly Unhappiness

I'm witnessing the funniest TV show of the past 10 Years, BBC's "The Office." Get this, get it now, buy it or rent it and sit back with a bucket into which you will be spitting, snotting, and crappin' yerself with laughter. Imagine the bastard children of Nigel Tufnel running a successful paper-sales company. Into the ground. Through sheer negligence and ignorance. I'll likely order my coffee in a Cockney accent. Watch THE OFFICE today! Skip work to watch this! Your job SUCKS, you have earned a day off, and you'll never look at your co-workers the same again, which is bad, because you can't look them in the eye since your "performance" last Mardi Gras. And you may throw a straight right to the next mid-level manager you see jauntily walking 'round the cubes espousing "creative synergy through leveraging cross-market disciplines." (i.e. teamwork)

What are you waiting for?

Okay, here. I featured at The Seattle Comedy Underground and pretty much rocked that baby to sleep. First show Friday was great, second show was worrrrk. Some uptight peeps trying to affect "entertained" when they should have been affecting "should've been home asleep an hour ago, but it's payday and I'll be a loser another night." Oh well, I did my job, the Headliner Tere Joyce, who rocks, right-on cha-cha-cha...
Saturday shows, unreal. First crowd was SOLD OUT, 193 people, and everyone wanted to laugh. Not good enough, I wanted them SCREAMING and HOOTING and CLAPPING and BARING THEMSELVES. Even with a microphone snafu resulting from the world's unfunniest Jewish Comedian dorkin' off on-stage, I ad-libbed until I got a microphone that worked properly, and kept on sailin'. 200 people paid to see a performance, ya can't just stop and say "Sorry, mic's broken, come back tomorrow." Either you got it or you don't, in situations like that, and last night, Baby, I had it, both shows, and I have it on tape to prove it, so why don't you get me a beer?

After that I was up until 4:30 at a dance club, having a wicked good time with some really great gals we met after the show. Another story, another time. Remind to tell you about Geek Dancing by "M." It may have been love at first spazz.

You've been excellent, I love you, I thank you, I spank you very much GOOD NIGHT!

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