The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Friday, January 30, 2004

Circus Freak of the Week

The highlight of my week has been receiving my "AquaTeen Hunger Force" DVD Box-set. I haven't had a decent set of comedy all week, but that's okay. I'm cool with that. In the meantime I have some friends, The Seattle Comedy Mafia (self-christened... I call them the Seattle Clown Mafia, they're freaks who pack in 5 to a car, all with red noses) who are blowing the stages up around here. This is good, because they are funny, cool, and truly care about the comedy scene here in Seattle. Check them out!

Like anybody's actually reading this dang thing...

So yeah, the AquaTeens happen to be making me LOL, which I don't do very often. The funniest people on TV aren't even people, that can't be good for America. Of course, what's funny is subjective, but I do love this show. Yes, I'll be 30 on Feb. 4th, so what? If American TV had anything close to BBC's "The Office" then maybe I'd be entertained. America's arts movement sucks, for the most part. Did I just call TV an "art?" Save me now. I need to be laid 'ponst a PotteryBarn sleigh bed while wearing Old Navy fleece and doused with Hamm's the Beer Refreshing... Regardless, The AquaTeens RULE.

Hey, this episode has a Mummy in the basement! HA HA HA HA HA! You must NEVER hug a mummy! He's using the basement as his tomb, looks like the floorboards are cursed. If you don't follow, maybe THIS is more your speed.

Lord almighty, Wednesday (check this out) was a weird night for comedy. The comedy was great, but the after-show stuff really stunk. I realize now how much of a pain in the pipes some dudes can be when they have no ability to talk to women. They're parasites. They are the smarmy used car salesmen of the Single's Scene. A guy like me finds wants to talk about driving, and these idiots are pushing a great deal on a 1983 Honda Civic Hatchback. Not that I'm in a position to sell a car, but sometimes it's not about the sale, it's about the shopping. I can't have people with bad credit trying to buy on my account.
Further adventures in apprehending these idiots will be blogged. THis was boring.

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