The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Thursday, March 11, 2004

Everything He Said Was Mostly True

I'm busy looking for another way of making money so I can feed my comedy addiction, so here's a wrap up from last night.

Yes, Shoogs B and I were surrounded by some really hawt women when we got to Weirdos last night. I don't know why. Probably because our personalities and humor overshadow our amazingly handsome faces, so the women can look deeper than what's on the surface. One of the hawtties is a co-worker of mine, and we co-miserated on the Death Star's future. Major Company run into the ground and handed over while the body's still warm. Tell me again why I'm motivated to work here?

The girl in the braids, Marcella, has been lurking around Peg's and Weirdos for the last year. Last night she came over to chat with me, absent was the guy she's usually with. Either she's shy (uh, not in that low-cut of a top) or just broke up and was getting RIPPED. She had a pint glass of amber liquid that loosened one of my fillings. Hope she got home from the hospital okay.

I SWEAR THE GUY IN THE "LIQUID" CAP WAS A MIDGET. It's not unproven. I kept looking at his necklace for the Ring that in the darkness shrinks them. He looked like Chunk from The Goonies, but 27 and smoke-damaged. No more sideburns of unkempt status, okay fellas? It's 2004.

I have a new opening bit that is me, fully, and will go on to be the best opener I have for the next 2 months, or as long as it's sunny. Topical, yes, but isn't everything, including your ointments?

I'm beginning to work on an act that deals with Perspective, the importance of it, and how to get it. If I can make Perspective funny, I will quit comedy and everyone can kiss my honeybaked ham.

There's something comforting about a black lesbian comedian, and it's not that we have the same taste in women.

If you were born after 1965 and call yourself a "hippie," everyone else is calling you "irresponsible" and/or "stinky."

Beer Me,

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