The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Is This What The Kids Are Wearing These Days?
This speaks for itself. It says "This Prom Ain't The Only Thing Kickin'."

The Morning So Far
I rocketed straight from bed at the time of 8:17am! Within 15 minutes and one hour I was out the door to work! Lungs drawing in deep, full breaths of newly-stirred ethers 'round my visage. I stroll down the steps to the garage, peering across to the parking lot of the Long-Haul Trailer Repair Yard near my apartment building.
The morning stillness wrapped around their rumbling engines as diesel exhaust poured into the sky. YES, this is living!
I sauntered to my car and then drove to work, nothing happened on the way to work, nothing to mention, other than I would have run this one dipsh*t off the road if it were just he and I. Yeah, swerve into my lane a little more whilst you dial TalkRadio to give your opinion on legalizing marriage between homosexuals. Because the Puget Sound area needs to hear what you, Mr. AmericanFlag&BedLiner, Calvin peeing on a Chevy symbol, Fear This! (because he gots no insurance!) has to say about Love, Honor, and Spousal Abuse.
I have yet to reach my desk at this point, and I'm dreading that today will quickly spiral like the others. I ditch the elevator idea and head up the stairs. The stairwell smells like sweatsocks, curry, and/or despair. I turn to hit the second flight, and a rather slightly-built man is walking down. I'm a broad-shouldered, solidly built man with a few years of contact sports under my belt, not to mention strong peasant hips, good for pushing and hoisting. Knowing this and not being a total a-hole, I try to side-step a bit so I don't "accidentally" throw a shoulder into Bones Bonerman, although the ego on his face screams for it. But this is WORK, it's inappropriate.
I figure that I moved, he'll try and move a little too so we don’t slam… BOMP, he didn't move and we knock into each other, my shoulder just above his elbow. As he reels back a bit (I swear I didn't force the shoulder into him) I have a split second where I think that maybe it was my fault. Then I realize No, I've done my part by moving a little and turning a bit, this is a two-way street, and He of The Spider-like Limbs crossed the center lane. Instead of saying "sorry" I said "ooops, y'okay?" He didn't say anything and kept moving. Things are looking up.
I get to my cubicle (a.k.a. The WrapAround Demoralizer 4000-BS) and remember that I'm not a Free Range Human. I sweat it not, as I have a protein shake and some oatmeal to tide my cravings and burn off that stubborn belly of mine. The weirdness picks up immediately, like somebody had turned the car off in the middle of a song that makes my belly-button bleed, and CLICK, we're right back to the chorus.
Next to me is a hypochondriac who is likely allergic to mohair, yet owns at least a Baker's Dozen of these disgusting cat hair-infused garments. Sniffy, sniff… oh good, Sweater Vest is in a bad mood, too. Phone calls are shorter… and they aren't nervous-giggling through every conversation; I think I like the downside of ManicDepression in this one. Hopefully she stays "homepathic" and never quite gets past the stage of wearing clogs to work for an entire month.
Then my cellular telephone's display did that thing again where it cuts the words in half, then flips the bottom and top halves so the tops and bottoms of letters touch each other. If you need to call me, please have a Klingon do it, 'cause I don't know that hell is going on with this thing. Wondrous Technological Advances aside, this thing is an a$$hole.
So yeah, the first half of my day has been pretty normal, actually. Pray for me.

Lady, Nobody with Them Eyebrows Gots No Millyun Dollars
A possibly inbred but definitely and fiercely unattractive woman in Georgia attempted to pay for $1,671 worth of goods at a WalMart with a Million dollar bill. Read that sentence once or twice more to get the full effect, because it sums up 2 demographics so concisely even Anna Nicole Smith would understand it by the 3rd explanation. 1)WalMart Shoppers 2)Ugly people.
The ugliness may not feed into the decision-making process, but if you've ever been discriminated against on your looks, and we all have, you know that being unattractive is almost always a precursor to crimes of stupidity.
She tried to walk with $1700 worth of wares, from a WalMart! That is a lot of stirrup pants, Scrunchees ™, and crème-filled snacks. and uses a "novelty" MillionDollar bill to pay for it. I am positive she was not goofing WalMart, she really thought she'd get away with it! She not only made herself look stupid, but she drew forth an interesting dilemma: She insulted the intelligence of the WalMart staff, as if they'd actually fall for it… but they very well may have were it not for a manager being near-by to halt the transaction.
Plus, the One Millionth Customer there had 2 more of the bills in her purse. Her husband had givent them to her, according to her story. Oh sure, blame it on the husband, just cause he cain't work no more since his back done gone give out after he fell off the roof. No, he wudn't roofin', unless by "roofin' " y'all mean "drinkin' and shootin' squirrel and Indian-wrasslin' his brother Timmy Ray. Then yeah, he's a-roofin'." Is that too harsh? Before you answer, remember that a child in the world was just taken from their village to pay the parent's debts. Now explain harsh to me, Judgy Judgerson.

I'm going to lunch now. I will probably go get some sort of Grilled Veggies and Chicken at the Mongolian Grill in Woodinville, free advertising because they have water chestnuts! More than anything I hope it's going to stink to Holy Heaven when I sit back down at my desk with it. I'm talking about recreation doses of garlic, people. Hopefully my date will be ready, cuz we rollin' with the MillionDollar club today!

~Peace Out

"I'M A WEINER DOG!" ~Geoff "Shoogs B" Brousseau

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