The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Friday, April 09, 2010

Where Ya Goin' In Such A Hurry?

This weekend in the Puget Sound area all us drivers will be under tighter scrutiny by the Washington State's Patrol Officers for "Speeding." Speeding is anything over the posted speed limit for the area you are speeding through to get A) To Work or B) Home from Work.

Why are you speeding... TO GET TO WORK?

If you have a job you can't be late for, other than neurosurgeonist or my bartender or the headliner, you need to find a better job.

If you have a job on-salary, chill out, you've done your part.

If you're speeding home I hope there's a hawt love basket waiting for you, or expensive carpets and a small-bladdered dog. Otherwise, relax. Your neighbors will be there to bother you any ol' time.

In the meantime, here are a few ways to not deal with speeding tickets.

  1. Stop hitting your snooze button 8 times. Every 5-8 minutes is adding to your commute and stealing your sleep. Sleep a little longer, hit fewer red lights, and stop tailing people in your shitty car.

  2. Stop tailgating in your shittay car. If you can't afford a nice car, you can't afford to back-crack somebody who's trying to listen to their GPS directions. When is the last time you were tailed by a Mercedes E-class driven by somebody for whom English is the first language? Ever been rear-ended by a BWM 5-series? No. Not a 5-Series from the 2000's.

  3. Go, like, SUPER F*CKING FAST. You can't get caught if they can't catch you. Although that Sanjaya from American Idol was recently nabbed for doing like 105 in a Mazda 6, so unless you can get beyond 106, don't even try. You'll just look like more of an asshole.

The state needs to generate revenue, and stopping speeders is a great way to do that. Tickets are coming, folks. It's going to be a bigger hassle to fight the ticket than it is to take your foot off the gas pedal and get within 10miles/hour of the speed limit. The people who bitch the most about the cops and their invasion of our rights aren't reading this blog, so I'm fine if they get popped for doing 75 in a 50 in 95 Neon. This doesn't target "poor people," it targets people who make BAD DECISIONS with money and cars.

Body kit = 2 months rent outside of parent's home.

Hey... let's be careful out there...

Take Me Home


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