The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Friday, September 19, 2008

A Drug Test

Most places you work will require you to take a test to see if you have any drugs in your system. Not sure if that's because you look like you prob'ly do, they like seeing you hoop-jump, they be lookin' fo' somebody to smoke wit', or to see if you break the law or not.

BUT, if you work a job that taxes are taken out of the paycheck from, YOUR PAYCHECKUS...
AND, some of that money goes into the public coffers to be doled out to people on public assistance, welfare, or in line for the Gubment's teet...
THEN, it should be required of the second-hand recipient of your effort's wages to take a drug test in order to pick up a check.

Or am I high?

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