Whynchoo tell ME what's up? Quit be lookin' at me like you're all THAT. You ain't all THAT, PUNK.
Oh look at MEEEE, I'm intense and serious! OOOOH, I'm better than YOU. Why? 'Cause y'ain't grown up with no cousins? You think I had it better 'cause my cousin's always around? Man, they are CRAZY, you think you're stronger for never knowing your uncles? You are BLIND my friend. Now you just walk around here acting like the uncle you never had to the nephew you never was, and you get off on that. That means YOU are crazy, Mr. RolePlaying whatever.
You ain't no Uncle Superman, bitch! Give me, MMPH, give me that bottle... Look you son of DAMMIT you spilled it! I'm no son of a bit LOOK HOW MUCH YOU SPILLED... you know I only get one chocolate milk a week, dammit. I'm leaving anyway. It's hard for you to be this big an asshole when everyone expects you to stink. You ain't sneakin' up on nobody.
What? Yeah, you do that. You come to my house when I'm home. Good luck getting past the moat. What? Yeah, I'm gonna build one right now, you think I ain't got it to build a OH GOD build a moat? I'll build a moat before OH GRRRGGGGHHFFFF you even wake up from your second wine nap, putz. I'm gonna dig a BLAAARRRRRR I threw up don't worry about that I'm digging a moat, you'll see, I'm BLAAALALALAALAAAARRR it's in my nose MMRRRAAAAAAK oh that BURAAAAAAWWWKKKKKKKK I'm leaving anyway. Whatever.
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My Non-Funny Blog.
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