The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Monday, February 23, 2004

What A Really Great Day

First off, YES, my schedule is out of date. My File Transfer program is having iss-ues, so I can't send updates to the Hosting site to get all my news up. I'll have it fixed before week's end. Let me know if you're interested in the schedule this week, send me an e-mail at

Ideas shared on the AT&T Wireless Sellout.

I got up late today, like a little before 9am, which is when I should be at work. I was up late talking about all kinds of stuff with a really awesome woman, heretofore referred to as "M," to protect her privacy and spare her the embarrassment of being at all involved with me. Not that she WOULD be, but with the whole "Six Degrees Of Turkey Bacon" or whatever that is, someone else she knows or I know may be an embarrassment to both of us, and it's better left in the dark. "The dark" = Hoquiam.

I had a great weekend. The weather was great, sunny and clear all over the Puget Sound region. I got to see "M" on Friday night for a bit, got to hang with my boy Shoogs and talk about all kind of stuff, and topped it all off with a couple of stellar sets that launched me into the finals of the Giggles Comedy Club Laugh-Off And Tax Return Fund. I really let it all hang out on Saturday night, wallowing in 6th place and had not yet grabbed a set by the short ones and showed it who's Idi Amin in this comedy jungle. The less I care about scores, the better I do. I got back to enjoying my performances, and kaboom! It all turned out the way I paid the owner for it to.

Annoying neighbor laugh. I think I need to replace her cat pictures with the menu of a Cantonese restaurant, chill the "Golly Wally Doodle All Day" happy fun times over there. Life's fun, but not deliriously so.

My gawd, people in general are really NOT funny. Thanks to the miracle of Courtesy Laughter, many of these people will never know of their affliction. I never courtesy laugh. If something doesn't hurt, I don't ice it. If I don't have to use the restroom, I don't push until something comes out. And if it doesn't strike me as funny, hey baby, I don't laugh at it.

Blinking IM bar says I have someone who wants to talk to me. It's Mastermind. It wasn't funny. I'm leaving, going home to watch AquaTeenHungerForce, the best cartoon ever.

I love you, you love me, now it's time for us to fight,

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