The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Kick His Ass

I am all-for fighting one's own battles, but not for picking fights.
I am all-for defending one's self, but not burning bridges.

But this guy is to Wuss what Courtney Love is to Irreparably Screwed:

From the Kirkland Reporter's Police Blotter
Harassment: 2:44 p.m., Bridlewood Circle. A Kirkland man called police to report that a person he knew in college was harassing him. An officer advised the man on how to block text messages and facebook access. The man said he did not feel threatened or fearful.

Hey folks, the police are NOT... NOT... your big brother, your parents, nor your bodyguard. Challenge the Harrasser to a fight, tell your friends, then gang-tickle that crap-pile and YouToob it, but don't waste my taxes on this shit. It reads better in pastel colors. If he wasn't threatened or fearful, then you're just telling the police something random, like what you bought at Frank's House Of Wank. Stop this. Now.

I will kick you in your ass.

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