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Monday, May 11, 2009

If I Believed This Kind Of Thing

If I believed that the health care industry had the ability to cure certain ailments...

Such as cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, spinal injuries, and life-altering illnesses that cost the befallen many many dollars...

I would say that certainly, the Industry would by know have found pre-emptive ways to cure these things. I would also say that Nature holds a cure for every ailment of mankind. Starting with our own Beliefs of illness, and working our way through the apothecary of Earth's orchards, forests, and seas, I do believe there are better ways to defeat illness than, you know, drugging the bejeezus out ourselves.

In curing those things, the treatment schedules would dry up, the patients would cease returning to the clinics every day, or week, or other week, or month, and money would stop flowing like an emptied bag o' IV. And the pharamceuticals wouldn't be prescribed as often. And money wouldn't be goin' from Insurance Companies to Bank Accounts. And, hmm... seems like... healing would be a good thing for the patient, and perhaps bad for the system.

But isn't a healthy person able to do more in life, pay more of their taxes through not missing days at work, being able to pay their mortgage, etc.?

Maybe I'm backwards on that. If I believed in conspiracies, that would be one I would ponder from time to time.

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