Darlings. I thank thee for checking this out.
New Year's Eve was spent with some of my best, closest (read: They know SECRETS, and are trusted, 'cause I know SECRETS), friends, including Keem, Ali Bobba, Jen, Chili D. & Angela, and my favorite person in the whole world, Alicia. We showed up to be entertained by "Black Celebration", a Depeche Mode cover band (I love DM. What? I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of me loving DM and not caring what you think), and SuperDiamond, a Neil Diamond cover band. Both bands just came out and entertained the hell outta the crowd. Lots o' fun for all. GAWSH, it was fun!
I'm in love. Real love, the kind where I am 95% myself around her (the other 5% isn't what adults do at the dinner table), and I have full perspective of how truly good, real, and beautiful this woman is. I had been jaded in relationships, hating the circling and the dance that can cumulate in a few weeks of sniping, topped off with a big floater of "F*ck You More!" I didn't really know this is what it's supposed to feel like, good and real and it's not endless hours of looking into each other's eyes. My only regret is that I did not meet her earlier in my life. BUT, I know that in the scheme that is my life, I was not ready for her until the night I met her, September 22, 2004. The best first date of my life. The best New Year's Eve of my life. The best. I have fears of course, but they're more that I will not check myself when I'm tired or hungry or stressed and be an immature ass and hurt her. Part of my growth has been in seeing when I may get assy, and heading it off at the pass, and trying to communicate it the best I can. I don't have it all figured out, I just know what NOT to do, so I will not do those things, and actively Love the best I can. Love is a verb. Did I know that?
The one resolution I really want to keep is to do More. Stave of sloth with activity, involvement, and Life, basically. I'm gonna be tired for while, but shooooooot, I may end up losing a good 304 el-beez out of the deal.
I've already done 2 sets in 2005, tonight at Giggles. First show was good, I did a joke for the second time that gets a Kirstie Alley's Muffin-sized groan bucket. It's about the Tsunami, which some ho-tard had not heard of as of last Wednesday night (how can anybody not be informed, even by accident, in this age of inundation with useless info?), and it takes a turn that is sad, challenging to the audience, and makes me laugh in a way that I know is wrong. But what's the funniest part of something to me? The subtextual references that point out truth, the perspective, the nooks and/or crannies where a light is shined... shone... pointed into and something new is seen. And I do it for all those reasons. Is it too soon? Nah. It's only gonna work for like 2 weeks anyway.
Geoff Brousseau had a great point tonight. Brousseau wanted to ask people in the audience to watch the show tonight, then watch the stand-up that fills half hours on Comedy Central. Get a perspective of comedy. Get hip to it, basically, and come out and see us. I think Seattle's crew is going to take some big steps this year. Change can be frightening, but the other side of it is usually a great set of butterfly wings, more money, better living, or even gender reassignment. (Good Luck with that, Tony!)
Don't sell yourself short. You haven't yet begun to disappoint your parents. The good thing is, you are now your own person. Get happy, and stop your pity parties, the world ain't waiting for you to start feeling better.
Happy New Year, Sweetpeas.
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1 comment:
Love is a verb, love is also a place.
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