The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Thursday, December 23, 2004

It's A "Mike The Headless Chicken" Christmas!

Last night at Pegasus, the comedy show was cancelled due to lack of funding, due to lack of owner's interest in putting on a show. There weren't but 17 people there, which rivals a moderate weekend at Laughs. Yeah, livin' the dream.

But I showed up about 9:50 after a prior engagement, that being an engagement party, because I knew that the headliner, Colin Moulton, is always entertaining. When I showed, we huddled up and found out that there was no money to throw around, so we didn't have to do a show at all. And we did a show for 17 people because some of them were there for the show, and some just needed to laugh. I did about 20 minutes, mostly new, about the holidays and religion and skewed views of Christmas traditions thanks to the dichotomy of parenting and Christmas carols. Most of it worked, and that which did not I was able to save through some slower talking and making a point as to why I think Wal-Mart is the new Catholic Church. It's an older bit (6 months?) but slid into the whole vibe of the set.

Colin closed it all up with a couple of funny songs and the fun story of "Mike The Headless Chicken." Colin's got a lot of new material, and he did about 30 minutes of fun. So the crowd and establishment got a fully free 50 minutes of comedy. Colin will return to the area in a few weeks, and I highly recommend you go see him at Pegasus or at the Crazy Moose Casino in Mountlake Terrace. Please, check out Colin Moulton and have some laughs, dammit. DAMN IT. He's funny, entertaining, and a really good light in the comedy darkness.
Back to yesterday's News:

Recount Chocula:
So we have a governor in the state of Washington. Right now it's still Gary "Cutest Paintbrush Haircut Ever" Locke. Our Governor-Elect, still in the air. Is it Chris "Just Chris, Thanks" Gregoire or Dino "Aaw Shucks" Rossi? Don't know. As of yesterday it was Greggers. Every day before that it was Rossi.
Democracy doesn't work unless we all vote. And when we all vote, democracy doesn't work. This will be a good learning experience for all people, especially Democrats who were too high or too busy whacking off to Fahrenheit 9/11 to go vote. ABSENTEE BALLOT, dipshit. Send it back with the first NetFlix toss.
In other words, our system has failed us again. While it takes a moment to lick its wounds and pull it's levers we'll sit in rapt attention, pondering how a decrepit canary skeleton like Jean Enersen never gets publicly assualted for being, by all accounts, a monster rag.

Your Holiday Tidings
This will be filled in after I stop laughing about the "canary skeleton" line. Got myself on that one.

Take Me Home

My Non-Funny Blog.

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