The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Gabriel Rutledge, That's Who!

It's Official: Gabriel Rutledge is the Winner, Best All Around Comic, and Coolest MoFo of the 25th Annual Seattle International Comedy Competition. I competed with Gabriel in a contest earlier this year and was impressed time and again at how he captured crowds and was cool and collected, and how we both got beat by a 20 year-old comedy anomaly, Fahim Anwar. And I think by Scott "The Stick" Black, but Gabe could've been 2nd overall that week. I was just happy and honored to lay my head on his shoulder. Scott has funny teefuses on!

Gabriel's next mission will be to erase the section of his blog where said he was gonna get a day-job, as well as remove that picture on his website where he looks like Tim Curry circa "IT" in a snow-patrol parka. He's so darling, that picture doesn't do him yustice. It's hard enough to get laughs sober, prepared, and well-rested. Gabriel won this grueling competition of 18 shows over 3 weeks while battling bronchitis, laryngitis, and HIV. He doesn't have HIV, but he would have won even if he did, although he wouldn't have ever mentioned to the audience that he had HIV, he would have simply winked at the comics and handed them the microphone he just spat his game into. HIVLARIOUS!

I am really happy for Gabriel and his achievement. His act is universal, it appeals to so many people, and that is so hard to create, unless, like Gabriel, you are open to the universe. His observations are so perfectly accessible that you laugh your ass off, like an Occam's Razor of punchlines. The funniest jokes are those that are simplest to understand, and it is the harsh task of any public communicator to simplify your thoughts, feelings, and ideas into words, let alone make it funny enough to be called a joke, and to make it a joke that works largely EVERY SINGLE TIME. Damn, the guy's GOOD, ah'ight? WORD!

Congratulations to Gabriel Rutledge. He beat 31 other comics from around the continent, in rooms where he had to prove, night in and night out, what comedy really is. Here's hoping his winnings will pay for the respirator and stem cells, and a little something left over for the family. It is the holidays, yo.
Your gift? Gabriel's Comedy. Enjoy.

Way To Go, GABE!
Why not, here's what a Blog is. Get yours today!
Oh, and watch HAX-TV tonight, 9pm, Ch. 77


Take Me Home

My Non-Funny Blog.

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