Koko the Handsy Gorilla ("go-ree-ya" in Spanyish) recently notified her handlers that she was experiencing tooth pain. A dental team sprang into action, and gave her a full examination, extracted a tooth, and sent her on her banana-munching, language signing way.
Freak out here, because:
1) Koko knows over 1,000 "words," and it's been a LONG time since I had a vocabulary test.
2) Koko has more concern for her health than 60% of the people you know.
3) Koko has better dental coverage than you. Total cost: ZIP-POINT-SCHIDT
Not Sleepy, By Reason of Insomnia
I'm at work as I write this. It's 4:47 in the ay-em, and I'm not at all tired. DAMMIT. I came into work because I just cannot stay asleep. I've had insomnia bad this year. It started in April and still plagues me at least once a week, like a recurring nightmare, but one where I'm awake and at MOTHER-F'ING WORK. I'm sittin' here at my desk on a quick blog break, pausing from the work that has me staring at spreadsheets with millions of entries, making corrections to manager's minutia while they lie in repose and decadent silken pajamas. (waving clenched fist at spreadsheet) It's a combination of low-grade depression and hope, mixed with flouride and protein. Oh, and I drank a Diet Rockstar around 9:30 tonight. That's a lot of vitamin B to process, but hey, at least I'll know when it's out of my system.
The benefits are that I'm the only one here. I'm parked right by the door next to the handi-ramp (there are no wheelers in this building, but there's one guy who is a buffet trip away from knee-bucklage), and have the printers, bathrooms, microwave, and vending machines all to myself. I'm gonna take all the seat-covers from both bathrooms, put them in the printer and copier trays, then buy all the food I can afford out of the vending machine. Next, I'm labeling each item with my name on it and packing one rack of the community fridge with burritos, yogurt, and as much chocolate-flavored dairy beverage I can get my sheep-counting mitts on. And the other employees ("co-workers" sounds far too friendly) can't move it or throw it away, as that's destruction of personal property, AND AND AND… I'm gonna inventory all of it and make copies of it on the toilet seat covers and post the inventory on the fridge.
I'm feeling just fine, why do you ask? I can hear your thoughts. I can also hear the carpet whispering. HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE… WHY CAN'T I STOP CRYING?!?!?
ALL BETTER! Thank you Magic Hi-Liter. (psst, Magic Hi-Liter, show me where the leather desk chairs are and I'll hook you up with that red Sharpie one drawer down. She is NASTAY.)
The downside of this is that I will likely bottom out and crash like a Tom Arnold movie. Another downside is that sleep is all-important to me right now, as I am doing the best I can to handle stress without too much medication, be it professionally or self-prescribed. Sleep helps flush your body of cortisol and keep your fluids in check. Deprivation of anything for too long is systemically degrading, but sleep, oof, that's a big need for right now. I actually fell asleep about 1:30, dead-out, for an hour. Next thing I know it's 2:26 and my brain is crackling. I had a song, a joke, and 3 thoughts running through my head:
Song: "Every Thug Needs a Lady" by the Alkaline Trio
Joke: One of mine about not having regrets after a relationship. It's good, come see it.
1) Am I going crazy?
2) I now release all stress and negativity.
3) Where are the dad-gum leather desk chairs at work?
So here I am, alone again while Magic Hi-Liter is retrieving my new, leather cube saddle, typing while I should be working on this spreadsheet. Even THAT is a ricockulous thing to put into words, that I should be working. I should be asleep, dern-blast it! I think I'm auditioning today for the Las Vegas Comedy Festival, but those f*cktards don't know how to post the proper information. Auditions are, according to their "information" (insert laughter) "Dates: August 9th-10th, Time: Aug.10th-12pm." The best I can gather is that the category I'm auditioning for is on the 10th, while the Comedy Club Pick (big show at Giggles, go if you can, 8:30pm) is today, the 9th. Check out their site, see if makes any sense to you: http://www.laughacrossamerica.com/htmls/laa_times.html#seattle
Okay, Magic Hi-Liter is back with my kick-ass new… DUDE, this is the passenger seat of my car! FAWK! I gotta go kick some Hi-Liter ass. He ripped the friggin' passenger seat out of my CAR! This is a bad-ass Hi-Liter. What was I thinking buying a Hi-Liter from the Talking Walnut??? I hope he gives me a concussion. I need SLEEEEEEEEEEEP!
Good morning to YOU.
I'll be up all week, try the Sominex.
The Day That One Thing Happened At Work
Fast forward now, 8:26 a.m., been awake for 22.5 of the last 24 hours. Retard next to me has her Office Assistant set to "kitty kitty kitten smitten OOOGY WOOGY!" and the thing meows when she does whatever to it. THERE'S A COMPUTER CAT NEXT TO ME, MEOWING. The only thing I hate more than real cats, are the loud asshole Ron who sits behind me, Sandie down the hall with the horrific cackling "laugh," and computer cats. I hate them because they are all short and just out of my kicking range. I want to kick all involved parties full-on face-side until bloodletting begins.
Bonus round: Being on salary means I only have to be here another 30 minutes. Then I can go home and black out in my hamper.
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