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Monday, May 24, 2010

Another Blog About LOST

The Blogosweb and Narcissospheres are humming today with ideas both Great and Sigh-inducing about last night's Series Finale of ABC's Sci-Fi adventure, "LOST." For some reason, Charlie Sheen is still getting "sit-com" work after throttling his girlfriend and calling his ex-wife the C- and N-words (recorded proof!), but LOST has called it a Series. So yes, knowing when to walk into the great light of Syndication Royalties is very, very valuable. I still don't understand a Future with "Parks & Recreation," but let's move on. Aziz "I'msorry," I just don't see what is so funny about Ansari.

I bet there are many people more geeked on LOST than I am. I began to appreciate it for the subtext-sans-David Lynch'ian strides. The storyline was straightforward, but the storytelling left things wide open as to Where Whatever was taking place actually Was. Hell? Purgatory? Heaven? Parallel Universe? Omak? All of the none. And I don't have time for fan-fiction involving Kate and a bottle of organic almond butter.

It's also very popular in the world of "humor via contrast" to bash LOST for being too high-minded, too side-stepping, and/or overly narcisissitic. Wow, 2 self-involvement references... int'resting, Freud... The energy it takes to blog, speak, or effectively express your undying disdain for something - like "Justin Bieber's haircut" - is better spent bettering your own Self. Why? In the pursuit of bettering one's Self, you will likely turn your energy entirely towards your improvement, and that will, in turn, cause you to seek the object of your disdain to rub in their face your freshly-waxed gluteal curvature.

I won't delve into the characters and what they each meant to the story-arc. Wheelchairs, terrorists, thieves, murders, junkies, alcoholics, single moms, and... GASP... INTERRACIAL LOVING!?!?! Not to mention the Inhabitants/"Others" on the island. Oh, and the Dharma folks. Polar bears. Jacob, right, Jacob.

Anyway, I've gone too far to stop blogging now, so I'll end with this.

I had a comment on a YouTube video that said, quite simply, "definatly not funny."
This person got online, traipsed around the 'net, found my video, watched it, logged in to their YouTube account, and then left a comment to let other people know where that particular bit fell into their spectrum of humor. They also misspelled the word "Definitely" as "definatly," so I am not that hurt by it. I don't like everyone, why should everyone like me? And why wouldn't they keep it to themselves?

I really could use a chocolate-chip brownie right now.

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