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Sunday, April 15, 2007

What's All The Buzz About?

Just a quick note, this will not be a "humorous" entry, unlike the other ones where I try and flail valiantly. I'm not even trying this time.

I first heard about this odd, thought-provoking, and concern-causing situation just this past Thursday night. The rapid and wide-spread deaths of colonies of bees is causing a huge burden on the human-affected and human-effecting ecosystems. But only small stuff like, you know, food. Trees. Plants that contribute to medicine. Etcetera.

No bees, no pollination. No pollination, no maturation of trees. No blooming and fruiting, no fruit. No nuts. No crops. No wheat, corn, oats, etc. Imagine.

What could be causing this? Likely it's the same thing that keeps those pollinated crops growing: PESTICIDES and GENETIC MODIFICATION. Look what it did to Michael Jackson.
Quote from a story, linked below:

Something is compromising the bees' immune systems, other scientists agree; among the suspected culprits are modern pesticides and GM crops. And while no one agent might be solely responsible for the bees' disease, Moulton-Howe wonders "what happens when farmers spray herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and rodenticides on land that has also genetically modified crops with pesticides built in?"

As an example, Monsanto's "Round-up Ready" crops, which are modified to withstand the spraying of herbicides, are widely used in the U.S. Recently, though, weeds have developed a Round-up resistance--resulting in frustrated farmers spraying more and more of the weed killer, in combination with others, on their fields.

Eric Mussen, an entomologist and Extension Apiculturist at UC-Davis, also found that some fungicides approved by the EPA for bee safety, while not killing adult bees, are fatal for bee larvae and young bees.

Here are some stories I found that back this up. I don't want to say I can smell a Conspiracy, so I officially will not.

Story #1: Why Are All The Bees Dying?

Story #2: Article Specifying Some Findings

But this does have the makings of humans negatively affecting their environment to a startling degree, and when that happens, it's time to figure it out and stop hoping the aliens or Jesus or the Democrats can bail us out. What can I do? I'll post the answer when I find it.

For now, all I can suggest is buying as many "Organic" products as possible. They cost a bit more, but when you'll quickly earn that money as you rise up the management ladder while co-workers in your hive die off from eating the wrong foods. Or will all those preservatives do their job? See what I mean? My head's buzzing now.

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