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Monday, March 12, 2007

Why Good Always Wins Out

This past weekend I, along with a couple hundred other people, crammed cheek to cheek into an over-hot theater to watch "300," a movie about a comic book. The comic book told the story of the Battle of Thermopylae (translation: Fighting The Hot Maple), a battle where 300 (roughly) Spartan men stood to fight an advancing, demolishing, unbeatable Persian army. The Persians were led by their king, Xerxes, who was portrayed in the movie by RuPaul. The basic idea was to make this a dramatic representation of the actual events, for which the home videos are in a box somewhere in somebody's cousin's basement. It was really going to be tough to make it accurate.

Persia, which is now better known as Iran, was once a marauding force under Xerxes. They crushed rebellions, enslaved other cultures, burned and pillaged, you know, the yoozh for the day. It was a LONG time ago, mind you. Like before TV was made, LOOOONG ago. So now, after a $70,000,000 opening weekend, "300" is poised to rake in close $200,000,000 before Memorial Day, the opening day of "Bad Movies For Summer" come out. It's really a pretty great movie to see, though the writing is pretty cartoonish.

ANYway, I saw a headline recently about how Iran is upset with the filmmakers for the negative portrayal of Persian culture in the fake movie about a true story. The quote from the article written in a Chinese newspaper is:

Javad Shamqadri, an art advisor to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, accused the new movie of being "part of a comprehensive U.S. psychological war aimed at Iranian culture", said the report.

Shamqadri was quoted as saying "following the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Hollywood and cultural authorities in the U.S. initiated studies to figure out how to attack Iranian culture," adding "certainly, the recent movie is a product of such studies."

Wow. This guy is saying that the U.S. movie industry, responsible also for "Wild Hogs" and other pig-sh*t movies had the forethought to PLAN to make this movie to DEGRADE the Iranian culture that was over 2500 years ago, at least in the sense it was protrayed in the movie. And for a minute I thought the Iranians were hot-headed, short-fused, humorless, bearded nutjobs who couldn't tell a joke from a nuclear reactor fueled by enriched uranium, propaganda, and paranoia.

The story of "300" is that King Leonidas of Sparta took 300 troops, illegally and without full consent from his Council, to Thermopylae in order to head-off an attack by the Persian army. The idea was that he would slow them down and kill enough of them to allow Sparta to vote for a full defense in the time he and 299 of his spear-tossing, leather-girded loins-sportin' Spartans were plunging metal between the organs of the Persians. Eventually he would make the Athenians and Spartans retreat, only later to have his Persian forces pile-drived into their own asses. The word spread that the Persians could be defeated, so people started doing that more. It was like their version of Text Messaging.

So anyway, at least one Iranian is all pissed off about the movie. The best policy here is what I like to call the "Go Eat A Steamer" policy, where, if he wants to, the offended party can go eat a "steamer" or "log" or "singular doo-doo formation." I hope he dies of a massive coronary on the can. It was 2,500 years back.

Let it go.

An interesting side-note... China reporting that Iran is upset is like your miserly drunk uncle complaining about all the beer cans in the neighbor's lawn. Propaganda, look that-a-way... or is that what they WANT US TO THINK?

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