The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Well Blow Me Down

While others are giving money, I am giving laughter. Anybody truly dwelling in a large, steamy puddle of Reality cannot say that our government helped the Katrina situation with their bungling.

Imagine something like that in your own home town. A flood, a major fire, giraffe stampede, Starbucks closing all of 'em down… Who will help you then? Our government is largely re-actionary. Bad things happen, then they step in and start cleaning it up and using words like "Lessons" and "American People" and "We care." It will be up to us from this point forward. So let's start with the jokes!

In an effort to share humor about a dark situation, here are some pretty funny lines about the Hurricane Katrina tragedy:

Another good cartoon I saw last week had a hospital bed in one frame, and a floating house in the other, it read:
The Government Stepped In At...
Terry Schiavo - 1 Day
New Orleans - 5 Days

Quotes from Government and News Turds, and some of them will fill your britches on the backside:

Something a little more tasteless:

Take Me Home

My Blog About My Dad

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