AIn't got much time nor mind for blogging. So here are some random thoughts.
My new addiction is "Band Of Brothers." I found this the other night while watching The History Channel. Actually, I was F'ing around and hoping to find something that didn't retard my thought patterns. This actually was inspiring. Adrenaline rush, galvanizing scenes, like "Saving Private Ryan" with a backstory.
I thought of the phrase "Bi-furious" the other week and it makes me laugh every time it comes to mind. Instead of wondering open-mindedly about a dalliance, perhaps it reflects a person's frustration with not having the option.
I'm going to have to give it up to Comcast cable for their late night programming run. Spread out over Cartoon Network, the History Channel, and TNT, I could very well be F'ed for sleep for a while. IT starts at 10pm with Band of Brothers. That's one for 2 hours. 12am kicks off AquaTeen Hunger Force (thankfully they've been repeats and I have the first 3 seasons on DVD. Next up is "Mail Call" with R. Lee Ermey, recounting the advancements of military weaponry (note: America is fuggin' LOADED with sweet firearms). Then, at 1pm we've got a hotshot of "The X-Files" on TNT. That's unhealthy.
The Governor of Wisconsin has rejected a bill that would allow the hunting of feral cats. This proves that government works, and that when you want something done, it's best done quickly, quietly, and with a submachine gun or flame-thrower from the window of a moving car. Me-ouch.
Even with all the empirical evidence stating the negative, men are still wearing pony tails, Birkenstocks, and products containing "Body Spray" in the name. Thus proving that artsy, outdoorsy guys enjoy a good roofie/fondle combo as much as their pot dealer.
No Blood For Oil! Not for trade, not as a substitute in my Vinaigrette. Keep your laws off my body! And into my car! SMILEY
In waiting for the Rapture, I have been run-over by a meth addict on a Harley, shot with a BB-gun, shot with a paintball gun, and endured 6 years and 6 months of no upward mobility in my current place of employment. There has to be a Heaven. If this is it, I am going to be really pissed, and even more pissed for not acting upon it.
Rap music is the ButtRock of the New Millenium. Repetitive themes, look-alikes, sound-alikes. Dr. Dre is the GodFather of good hip-hop. The Chronic is the Old Testament. Anything by Common or Talib Kweli is damn near like listening to a Message. It's not Rap. It's much more. For the most part, I don't listen to rap. I'm getting more into Classical Music and Jazz. That's some stunning stuff when you think of it. Arranging music for 17 instruments to be played in unison for hours on-end? And then Jazz, opening your mind and flowing through it. There's something to be learned from the soul of music that Dr. Phil will eventually put a flavor to and sell as a breakfast drink.
Dr. Phil is a walking a-pipe.
When I see somebody who is particular about having things a specifc and certain way or their very existence will collapse in on itself before lunch... I can't help but sneeze on their door handle or leave one little green "~" on a whiteboard after erasing it.
I am hoping the misguided angst in the Seattle Comedy Scene is over. In an art form where the word "hack" is thrown around like cigarette smoke at an open mic, nothing is more Hack than bitching about the act of some guy who has no affect on your career.
But it can be fun, so... ya do what ya do.
Well, it's time again for ATHF. Laters.
Take Me Home
My Blog About My Dad
WERD about 'Band of Brothers'.
As for the feral cat legislation in Wisconsin, when I first heard about it a Johnny Cash lyric came to mind. I thought of a line from 'Fulsom Prison Blues', "... I shot a CAT in Reno, just to watch him die...". How long until they add a rider to the bill that would state that you can't put out food to attract the kitties? It would stem all the cat-shoot kegger parties in the offing. What else is there to do in Wisconsin on a Saturday night? I'm Audi 5000...
Bi-furious is the result of a man wearing hair product reaching the front of the line at a pizza place only to watch the attractive, heterosexual woman in front of him take the last slice of artichoke chevre.
Your anonymous people are funnier than mine.
Kudos to the bi-furious tagger, whoevah you ahhh.....
Smell my ear,
The world has never been short of cats, and from last I saw, there isn't much reason to keep a cat around unless it keeps the neighbor's over-sized boy quiet.
Any guy eating artichoke chevre pizza should be mocked openly. Quit affecting. Ask him where he bought his shirt, and no matter the answer, respond with "Nice, gawsh, they even make nice pajamas."
The Commentors in Anonyville rule. Bless thee.
PG, totally gonna borrow that from you. I will be then foxholed to view it.
I am going to try and ignore the whole "classical music, Jazz" shit you wrote in there. Are you in a hurry to be 50 or something? Listen my mom used to listen to that shit she listens to rock because she became boring. And fucking Jazz holy shit just so you know I guess I'm ok with some jazz like Charlie Parker or Miles Davis, but if I hear you're listening to garbage like the Marsalis'. Listen to Blue Note records don't listen to whatever label Kenny G's on. Guys who have ponytails and birkenstocks listen to Jazz and Classical so they can feel like they're "grown ups" and they have grown to appreciate the "arts". They are pompous fuckdowells who do it to climb some social order in their heads. I say listen to what your passionate about. If you have to "get into it" it ain't for you. If you find yourself obsessing about it and trying to discover everything you can about it then you probably love it. Otherwise just do what makes you happy. Then The Enforcer stepped down from his soap box. Maybe it's because I can't get into them and people tell me how great they are and I never understood that I can't understand. I have terrible taste in music so feel free to ignore me.
Oh yeah, I forgot to weigh in on that. Thumbs down on the skibbity-dooaah heroin-dependent be-bop. If you start wearing a beret and Dwayne Wayne glasses I'll give you something to REALLY go blind about.
Disliking Jazz doesn't mean I lack culture, it means I don't care for the sound of many homeless cats yowling in unison.
PS I think I know who anonymous is.
Yeah, I suppose every form of music can be pimped out. It comes from sincere artistic roots and becomes a commercially viable product (I liked the boy bands before they became "whored" out. I really thought they were sincerely singing and dancing for my love and respect not my money, sigh).
Music to me it's like other art forms, "I don't know art, but I know what I like".
Where do you buy man-berets anyway? Does Hot Topic carry them?
PS. I was the first anony poster for what it's worth
I, personally, LOVE the homeless cats yowling in unison. But only their older stuff before they "sold out" to corporate. Not to mention that whole sitar phase they went through. I just can't get into their newer, techno-rave stuff. I hate it when a slammed Civic rolls through the 'hood with the subs blairing, YOWL! WUMPA! WUMPA! YOWL! WUMPA WUMPA YOWL!
I guess good music's in the stanky bloody ear of the beholder.
There's nothing wrong with liking jazz or classical music. Now, I know a lot of my people support jazz because they're riddled with white guilt. I love classical music. I used to play classical music.
This comment made no sense, I'm high on cold medicine. I didn't get the "bifurious" comment, maybe it's because I know a lot of straight men who wear hair care products.
Fuck Stereotypes!
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