The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Thursday, March 17, 2005

And Another Another Thing

If anyone thought I was the only person who thinks The Stranger is an incestuously "self-made hipster" rag of Biblically Gay-But-Not-In-A-Homo-Way proportions, check out this week's "I, Anonymous" entry.

Compare it to my previous blog regarding that fibrous melange of lines and pictures.

And then wipe your pipe with the local music reviews. And the "Drunk Of The Week" horsecrap of a feature is probably just a bunch of their exes they want to out for being tanked too often. Real drunks don't get their pictures taken while awake. Get with the program.

I stand by my previous quote that "Celebrity I Saw U" is the only thing in that diaper-liner worth reading.

Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Take Me Home

My Blog About My Dad


Unknown said...

GL Rules said...

Even funnier than you running boob-long into Ament, is that you have the pub date booked. Sweet, spazzy, magnificent... CoverLorn.