The Geoff Lott Rules Live Tour Of Comedy & Talking


Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Of Love And Luck

I can't think of anybody other than my girlfriend that I would rather spend time with. If I had a full day to spend with someone I would make arrangements to make sure she was free for the whole day, and that we did whatever we felt like doing.

She is a very hard worker, putting in time with 3 companies and taking a Statistics course, not to mention putting up with my weirdness. She was volunteering until recently, also, as well as moving in with a couple of friends who also happen to be comics. Her time and patience ought to be red-lined, but she trudges on.

I do what I can to make her days easier, whether it's a quick breakfast or leaving the room on a weekend morning and reading on the couch, just so she can sleep in. She challenges me to better myself in ways that will benefit my peace of mind. She sees in me something I don't always see in myself. She appreciates me and all my foibles, which are sometimes loud and corrosive to good moods and bedspreads.

This must be that feeling of "simply knowing" who I am supposed to be with for the rest of my life. It's both a calming and exhilirating feeling, making me want to work harder to provide many great moments in our lives, and realizing that Life can't stop for anyone, so it's time to kick close the doors of the past, and enjoy the game of Chutes and Ladders ahead.

ALS, I love you. Thanks for giving us a chance!
"Of course I believe in luck. How else can I justify the fortunes of those I dislike?"
~Old dead guy

I included the above quotation for any number of reasons. Mostly because I'm learning to appreciate all I have gained and been given. I try to leave others to their own lives. They don't need my input to screw it up. They'll do it on their own.


Take Me Home

My Non-Funny Blog.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That girl is the closest thing to a saint we got, brother.

Although I think it would do her some good to get another job. Teach her about work ethic. That goddamned ham didn't pay for itself.